Nevada Nurses Association

Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation

Initiative Overview

The Nevada Nurses Association has accepted the challenge of helping Nevada nurses become healthier. As health care professionals and patient educators, we believe that we increase our effectiveness in helping patients achieve wellness when we exemplify what we ask of them. A 2013 study by Quevedo and Lobelo found that healthcare providers who are fit are more likely to advise patients to adopt an active lifestyle. To benefit nurses and through them patients, we launched the Healthy Nevada Nurses Initiative. Our goal is to motivate Nevada nurses to give priority to their own personal health, safety, and wellness.

Between work, family needs, changing shifts, stress, lack of time, and being pulled in too many directions at once, many nurses suffer from the same wellness challenges as the patients we care for, as well as some that are unique to nurses.

If you want to make some positive changes for the sake of your own health and fitness, we're here to support you. Whether you need to lose a few pounds (or quite a few), find some balance between work and the rest of your life, start exercising more, give up some bad habits – whatever your challenge, we want to help you succeed.

We are teaming up with the American Nurses Association for the Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation Grand Challenge. Learn more.

Get Involved!

For more information or to join this group, please drop a note to or call 775-747-2333.